Really Simple Recruitment Presents – Your Guide to Video Interviewing.


We’ve had many questions lately regarding video interviews. Because of recent world events, we’ve seen an increase in the use of video interviews from both clients and recruiters. However, many people are still unfamiliar with what video interviewing is, or how it works.

Here at Really Simple Recruitment, we’re all about going the extra mile. So, we’ve decided to give you all the details you need to know about video interviewing. Here, we’ll be covering what they are, how they work, what you can expect, and more.


What Is Video Interviewing?

Video interviewing is a way of interviewing a candidate or a potential new employee remotely. Often called remote interviewing or sometimes virtual interviewing, video interviewing is the process of interviewing a candidate or potential new employee without meeting in the same room. This is done to save time for both parties, whilst still being able to get a good sense for the candidate.


What Is ‘Video’ About It?

These types of interviews usually take place via an app like Skype or Zoom. Using a webcam, the entire interview takes place remotely, meaning that the candidate and employer do not have to meet in person. This can help to save time for both the employer and the candidate. Due to this, video interviews have become more popular in recent times.

On occasion, video interviews may take place via smartphones or tablets. However, if you’re on the receiving end of a video interview, we suggest trying your best to either avoid this or to place the device you’re using in a stable place during the interview. This is because the constant moving of the phone or tablet can not only decrease the video quality, but also the audio quality. And, of course, when you’re trying to impress your potential new employer, you don’t want to have to keep repeating yourself due to bad audio or visual quality. With this, we also suggest you take the call in somewhere with a stable wi-fi or internet connection, as the interviewer’s time is precious. If it takes you 10 minutes to get the connection back up and running, you may not get that 10 minutes back.


What’s Different Between an In-Person and Video Interview?

Besides the fact you’ll be speaking remotely, there isn’t much difference between an in-person and video interview.

The employer will have already seen your CV or résumé, like at an in-person interview. You’ll be asked about your previous experience, qualifications, and how you feel you’d be a good fit for the company. As we’ve mentioned, they’re similar to an in-person interview in almost every way.

The main difference you will find is that, of course, video interviews will likely lack in terms of a practical assessment of some type. This means that you won’t be able to perform many practical tasks that you may be asked during an in-person interview, which, of course, is done to see how you perform in the role. However, you may be asked to send or show examples of your work via the video interview to compensate for this.


Should I Prepare Differently for A Video Interview?

There are very few differences between the two types of interviews. Because of this, you shouldn’t prepare too differently for a video interview.

We advise that you prepare for a video interview the same way you’d prepare for an in-person interview. Dress smart, make yourself presentable, listen to what you’re being asked/told, and answer honestly. As tempting as it may be, we do not recommend only dressing smart on your top half. You wouldn’t be the first person to reveal a pair of shorts on your lower half when standing up to grab a pen, but it isn’t a good look alongside a shirt and tie.

Our advice is to prepare for a video interview like any other interview. Take a look online at the sort of questions you can expect, research the business, and practice turning your flaws into strengths. Preparing like this will help you to perform your best at an interview, regardless of where or how it takes place.


Are Video Interviews New?

The short answer is no, video interviews are not new.

Due to recent world events, the use of video interviews has increased. With more and more businesses discovering the ease and convenience of using video interviews, we expect this to continue into the future.


What Type of Companies Will Do Video Interviews?

There’s no way to tell which specific types of companies or businesses are more likely to use video interviews. However, it’s not only businesses that will use this technique. If you’re finding work via a recruiter, such as us, you can also expect to perform a video interview.

All we can say is that, again, due to recent world events, it’s best you familiarise yourself with how video interviews work, as we expect them to become more common going forward.


How Long Do Video Interviews Last?

As we’ve said previously, a video interview isn’t much different from an in-person interview. Because of this, you can expect the video interview to last as long as one in person.



There you have it, all you need to know about the world of video interviews.

If you’re looking for work, don’t forget to check out our vacancies section for work in the industrial, technical, and commercial sectors. If you’ve got any questions, get in contact.

Until then, be safe, and be kind.